'Walk Together, Children': Fr Carl Gales, SVD's homily for Joint Conference Jubilee Mass
A homily this week from one of the nation's newest African-American Catholic priests, covering racism, resilience, and freedom.
A homily this week from one of the nation's newest African-American Catholic priests, covering racism, resilience, and freedom.
A Methodist seminary in Atlanta is one of the few with a Catholic Studies program built in. Terresa Ford recounts her unique (and challenging) experience.
The official Juneteenth statement of the association representing Catholic seminarians of African descent in the United States.
Taking a recent Pew study as her muse, Dr. Mary McConner makes the case for a more full-orbed witness to social justice in the life of the Catholic Church.
Daniel Jansky on how he came to accept his autism diagnosis, repudiate racism, discover the Catholic Church, and marry an African American.
The nation's Black cardinal crossed state lines this week to fete the faithful of Queens and Brooklyn, where he celebrated the annual Mass of Thanksgiving for Black History Month.
The fame of a certain 19th-century Black Catholic handyman is well known in his native Memphis, but his death in 1907 was perhaps only the beginning of his story.
Donna Leslie offers a longform tribute to the life and legacy of an eminent Black Catholic priest, recently deceased at the age of 91.
Donna Toliver Grimes, head of the USCCB's African-American subcommittee, interviews the head of the bishops' anti-poverty initiative.
Reprint of a defiantly hopeful (and staunchly Catholic) letter from a Black priest in DC, who passed in 2009 from cancer.
A stunning new portrait of Servant of God Thea Bowman has emerged out of Dallas, from an artist raised in the diocese where the activist-sister was born and later served.
Missy Enaje reflects on how the Christmas season invites us to joy in the face of suffering and the yet-to-be-fulfilled promises of God.
Missy Enaje reflects on the modern impulse to feint on social justice and ultimately leave vulnerable children in the lurch.
Karianna Frey, a Black Catholic author with family connections to a saintly Black nun, reflects on her witness and the new devotional she wrote in her honor.
Nadra Nittle is a Protestant concerned with the neglect of Black people in Catholic histories. Read why she wrote a new book on Toni Morrison.
A Black Dominican brother in New Orleans explains his ministry, vocation story, and why God is still calling men to religious brotherhood.