Dorothy Dempsey's latest verse, on the power of the creative voice.
A senior citizen who loves to write. Published in The St. Louis American, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Belleville News, St. Louis Catholic Review, and in various books.
Dorothy Dempsey's latest verse, on the power of the creative voice.
Dorothy Dempsey on a pugilistic president and his machinations against nation and neighbor.
Dorothy Dempsey on the leader of the free world (and his inner circle) throwing caution to the wind as they inaugurate a whirlwind of trouble.
Every life is a life worth living. A special gift from God. No matter what the circumstances. It must be held in high regard. There are many battles in life. That makes you stumble and fall. But the will of God makes you stand up tall. For the life you
Dorothy Dempsey on the state of affairs in a post-Trump, pre-Trump American moment.
Dorothy Dempsey on shifting sands and the void of hope in a troubled American moment.
Dorothy Dempsey on the growing threat of a second Donald Trump presidency amid his continued defiance of the moral order.
Dorothy Dempsey counts the ways the GOP nominee has tarnished America, morals, and good sense.
Dorothy Dempsey reflects on a fraternal event that drew hundreds to St. Louis for a time of service, fellowship, and spiritual reflection.
Dorothy Dempsey explains how a false reality created by former President Donald Trump could doom the country once again.
Oh Lord, let us repent from sin. We are plagued by temptation every single day. Some days are bright, and some are dark and dreary. It seems like fog settles over the land. As the rooster crows. Because even the rooster knows the time is not right. When the time
The world is a tinder box of matches. The fire is burning strong. As you watch it crackle and burn. You must pause and wonder. When did the fire begin? It seems that there is a new beginning. But there is no peace for all mankind. Listen to the distant
Dorothy Demspey unpacks the urgency of the moment as primary elections begin the long march to a pivotal Election Day in the fall.
For the new year, Dorothy Dempsey reflects on the moral crises facing the culture and how we might gain fortitude in the fight.
A parishioner of a recently closed parish in Missouri explains her perspective on diocesan reorganization in the post-White Flight era.
Former president Donald Trump has been booked on criminal charges in Georgia, but his followers have not swayed from his cause. Dorothy Dempsey wonders why aloud.