In the push for African-American saints, what more can we possibly do?
Ralph Moore Jr. on the exasperation of Catholics advocating for recognition of Black Catholic holiness—and an All Saints' initiative in response.
Lifelong Catholic who has served on various committees on race, racism, and poverty for the Baltimore Archdiocese. Member of the St. Ann Social Justice Committee.
Ralph Moore Jr. on the exasperation of Catholics advocating for recognition of Black Catholic holiness—and an All Saints' initiative in response.
Ralph Moore, a year after petitioning Rome for Black saints, sees a crisis of good faith in Baltimore as it downsizes its Black Catholic footprint.
Ralph E. Moore Jr. laments the latest racial violence against those once subjected to explicit segregation in the nation's first Catholic diocese.
Ralph E. Moore Jr. on his radical activism in 1971 at his home parish, St. Pius V in Baltimore, and the legacy of Black Catholic resistance.
Ralph E. Moore Jr. says this year should be the start of a direct campaign for the sainthood of the first six African Americans up for canonization.
Ralph Moore Jr. says Women's History Month is a good time to remember the saintly female Black Catholics who helped build America.
As the world awaits the first Vatican confirmation of a miracle wrought by an African American, Ralph Moore Jr. says they should consider the obvious.
Ralph E. Moore Jr., fresh off a Rome trip to promote the first 6 Black American saints-to-be, says the lack of response is unacceptable—and typical.
Ralph Moore highlights the enduring message of Dr. King, linking his fight for justice to Black Catholics' struggle for the same—even unto sainthood.
As the synod rolls on in Rome, African Americans plan to make their voices heard in the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. Ralph Moore Jr. explains.
Ralph Moore Jr. lays out the basics of racial harmony from the perspective of (tired) African Americans.
Ralph Moore Jr. reflects on his time as a student of a late Black nun currently making waves in rural Missouri.
Ralph Moore reflects on a former Jesuit priest who dedicated his life to serving—and empowering—African Americans in Maryland's largest city.
Ralph Moore Jr. on how the canonization process in the Catholic Church reeks of racism and exclusion.
Ralph Moore Jr. touts the legacies of African American Catholics on the path to sainthood, and how several of them paved the way for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Ralph Moore Jr. muses on the intersection of Blackness and the papacy as the world mourns Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.