Black Catholic Round-up (2/22/2021)
The latest entry in our #BlackCatholicRoundup series, which amplifies Black Catholic news from other outlets. (Note: inclusion here does not necessarily indicate BCM's full endorsement of the story's material.)
Pierre Toussaint’s Portrait at Columbia – News from Columbia’s Rare Book & Manuscript Library
A new name is endorsed for Lee Circle in New Orleans, and it’s not Leah Chase
Late chef’s name would instead grace Orleans Avenue under latest proposal
PBS Surveys ‘The Black Church’ -- The Non-Catholic Parts, Anyway
Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. surveys the 400-year history of Christianity among enslaved Africans and their descendants in America.
Bishop Healy Vaulted From Slavery to Servant of God - The Tablet
James Augustine Healy in 1875 became the first bishop of African-American heritage in the U.S. He was the son of an Irish cotton planter father and a mixed-race mother who was a slave. This family from Georgia also produced two other priests, two nuns, a hardware dealer, and a famous ship captain.
The founding of the Blessed Martin de Porres Chapel and St. Augustine Church
By July of 1864, the city of Washington had spent nearly three years at war. Convalescing and active duty soldiers filled the streets of the city. General Ulysses S. Grant had just begun his siege...
St. Augustine’s in exile
On Jan. 17, 1946, the legal counsel for the Archdiocese of Baltimore announced that the archdiocese had sold St. Augustine’s Church on 15th Street between L and M streets in Northwest Washington,...
Holy Cross names Vincent D. Rougeau as new president following nationwide search
Rougeau will assume the role on July 1 and succeeds Rev. Philip L. Boroughs.
Denver’s ‘Angel of Charity’ Julia Greeley is one step closer to sainthood
The canonization process for Julia Greeley, also known as Denver’s “Angel of Charity,” took one step forward this month.
Project MUSE - <i>Missa Luba, An American Mass Program</i>, and the Transnationalism of Twentieth-Century Black Roman Catholic Liturgical Music
Amanda Gorman
Amanda Gorman: poetry is the language of reconciliation - Vatican News
The young American poet, who captivated the US with her poem recited at President Joseph Biden’s inauguration ceremony, shares her thoughts on the ...
After Inauguration Poem, Amanda Gorman Receiving “Avalanche of Offers”
From fashion and beauty to magazine covers, the 22-year-old is weighing how to proceed amid the deluge.
America’s 1st Black cardinal, Wilton Gregory, opens up about experiences with racism
When Joe Biden was inaugurated on Wednesday, he became the second Catholic president in American history. He has spoken openly about his faith, but how does it line up with his policy proposals? NBC’s Anne Thompson has this week’s Sunday Focus.
The cry of an angry Black man in a world sick with racism
An adaptation of the homily Father Chisholm delivered at the Black History Month Mass celebrated at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Feb. 7, 2021.
For a Church That is Unafraid to Welcome Black People
A certain memory of Peter Claver is often used by Catholics to distance themselves from actually engaging in ministry or relationships with Black Americans. Yet this false image of Claver, rather t…
- Dr. Norman C. Francis—former, longtime, and legendary president of XULA—interviewed on racism.
Criminal Justice
White Collar Week with Jeff Grant, Podcast Ep. 24, Seth Williams, Former Philadelphia D.A., Pt. 1 | White Collar Ministry
White Collar Week with Jeff Grant, Podcast Ep. 25, Guest: Seth Williams, Former Philadelphia D.A., Pt. 2 | White Collar Ministry
Pew report findings will validate faith of some, or cause soul-searching - Catholic News Service
WASHINGTON (CNS) — When a 176-page report is issued on a subject that hasn’t been addressed comprehensively in more than a generation, it’s tough to compress its findings into a few short paragraphs. The Pew […]