The first entry in our #BlackCatholicRoundup series, which will amplify Black Catholic news coming from other outlets.
Most all Catholic outlets do not focus on Black Catholicism with any fervor.
This is in part due to a Black Catholic dearth on their staffs, and in part due to the nature of American media on the issue of Black people in general. We have our months and we have our allies, but in general we are often forgotten and even more often pathologized during remembrance.
Even so, while the Black Catholic Messenger may be the only regular outlet covering Black Catholics alone, it is not the only outlet covering Black Catholics at all.
In light of this, we will henceforth be regularly highlighting the best stories outside of BCM that cover Black Catholics.
(Note: inclusion here does not necessarily indicate BCM's full endorsement of the story's material.)
Black Catholic women

Young Adults



Parts one and two of a series on Oregon's Black Catholics, and coverage of their reactions to the announcement of Cardinal-elect Gregory's elevation.
Ibram X. Kendi gives annual lecture at Black Catholic school in Philadelphia.