Black Catholic Round-up (12/1/2020)
Wilton Cardinal Gregory
Black Catholics express joy at elevation of Cardinal Gregory, first African American cardinal
To Father Robert Boxie III, the Catholic chaplain at Howard University in Washington, D.C., “The naming of Archbishop Gregory as a cardinal is huge, it’s historic. The fact that it comes in this...
Black Catholic Women
Having Coffee with Dianne Pinderhughes | Notre Dame Magazine | University of Notre Dame
More white Americans stand up for racial equality
‘I Bring Myself, My Black Self’
Through her activism and pioneering work in African-American Catholic spirituality, Sr. Thea Bowman challenged the Church to confront its own systemic racism.
Vanessa Williams Looks Forward to ‘Intimate’ Live Streaming Performance on Dec. 5
Vanessa Williams is a Tony-, Grammy-, and Emmy-nominated superstar with her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Lifting up my Race to His Glory
As the Savior of humanity, Jesus Christ had a record of embracing those disparaged by members of his Jewish culture. It was common for him to dialogue with tax collectors, gentiles, women, sinners, and prostitutes conveying to them that they
Many and One
A living Church must hold two seemingly opposed but equally radiant goods: the local and the universal.
Archdiocese to hold day of prayer against racism Dec. 2 -
The police-involved death in Minneapolis of George Floyd, an African American, amplified cries for racial justice and moved Father Michael Joncas to take action.
Feeling called? Learn more about becoming a deacon with virtual information sessions - Catholic Review
Starting Nov. 18, the archdiocese will host a series of information sessions for those considering becoming permanent deacons.
Father John turns 100 and is celebrated from Philly to Virginia
“He really is the people’s priest,” Kathleen Hood, a former parishioner, said of the Rev. John van de Paer. Said another: “He was Black Lives Matter before Black Lives Matter.”