Phyllis Johnson is a member of St Joseph Catholic Church in Alexandria, Virginia, a Lay Associate of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, a board member for the Mother Mary Lange Guild, and a photographer for all three.
Phyllis Johnson tells a story with photos from the ribbon cutting and blessing ceremony for the newest Catholic school in Baltimore in almost 60 years.
Phyllis Johnson is a member of St Joseph Catholic Church in Alexandria, Virginia, a Lay Associate of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, a board member for the Mother Mary Lange Guild, and a photographer for all three.
Melissa Menny in verse on the struggles of a Catholic woman in an age of rank uncertainty.
Alessandra Harris on the Kongo Kingdom and its lasting legacy in the Church's relationship with the Black world—and in entanglement with slavery.
The Catholic administrator had served as university provost since 2018 and as acting president since the death of Dr. Michael Lovell in June.
The hiring comes on the heels of allegations of racial harassment concerning former head coach Dave Yamane, who was fired after less than 90 days.