What is the Blackest diocese in America? It depends.
Ever wondered which diocese has the highest percentage of Black Catholics. With the help of some data from 2016, we might just have the answer.
Ever wondered which diocese has the highest percentage of Black Catholics. With the help of some data from 2016, we might just have the answer.
Gloria Purvis [https://g.co/kgs/QcmpTW] will join a host of Catholic activists, theologians, and journalists for a webinar today at 12:30 ET on the Eucharist and politics, just a few weeks ahead of the landmark USCCB meeting [https://g.co/kgs/b6GvxV] expected to produce a document
A federal court in Denver has granted a stay of execution for two Oklahoma inmates, one of whom claims innocence and has worldwide support for his clemency.
In Philadelphia Thursday night, a conservative Black theologian teamed with an aggrieved German cardinal to discuss the meaning of Catholicism. The results were not pretty.
Dioceses around the world opened their portion of the Synod of Bishops on Sunday, including Washington DC—one of two in the US headed by an African-American.
Sunday's canonical coronation of Our Lady of La Leche in St Augustine, Florida went off without a hitch, honoring the birthplace of Catholicism in North America.
The Black Catholic Theological Symposium is still going strong in its third decade of meetings, concluding tonight with a Gospel Mass at the University of Notre Dame.
The Holy Father has spoken through his US emissary to request that the governor of Missouri commute the death sentence of an intellectually disabled inmate.
The US bishops' pro-life committee chair has released a statement for Respect Life Month, which begins in a few days. Only kind of life seems to be the focus.
The nation's first and only Black cardinal made history in Rome this morning, completing the final formality of his elevation.
A host of civil rights leaders—including a Black Catholic—have signed onto a statement decrying the treatment of Haitian migrants this week at the US-Mexico border.
Desecration has struck two Black parishes in Denver, one of which is also facing pressure from Archbishop Samuel Aquila for their advocacy for Black lives.
The auxiliary bishop of New Orleans, Fernand Cheri III, OFM, will say Mass in the Archdiocese of Atlanta this weekend, following a stop in Montgomery last Sunday.
The nation's Black cardinal will headline two major events this week, starting today with the Catholic Labor Network's second annual Labor Day Mass.
Bishop Jerome Feudjio, a Cameroonian native who made history earlier this year as the first-ever African bishop in the US, is coming stateside for a celebration in his honor.
Guy Sansaricq of Brooklyn, one of the nation's few Black Catholic bishops, died Saturday morning at the age of 86.