Synod on Synodality to reconvene at the Vatican in October—with a few new twists
Dr. Cynthia Bailey Manns and Cardinal Wilton Gregory will again join more than 350 delegates for a month-long exploration of a "listening Church".
Dr. Cynthia Bailey Manns and Cardinal Wilton Gregory will again join more than 350 delegates for a month-long exploration of a "listening Church".
Ralph Moore, a year after petitioning Rome for Black saints, sees a crisis of good faith in Baltimore as it downsizes its Black Catholic footprint.
The event celebrates "What We Have Seen and Heard" coincides with the 20th death anniversary of Black Catholic liturgy pioneer Fr Clarence Rivers.
The move comes as the civil case remains open on appeal before the Maryland Supreme Court, which is set to hear oral arguments this month.
The ceremony will follow a Mass celebrated by Bishop Louis Kihneman III at Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church, a historically Black parish.
Tamika Royes addresses the elephant in the room as a Black Catholic looking for Church leadership on the issue of discrimination in Canada.
Briana Jansky spoke with her on the topic of renewal in ministry, the topic of her address at the NEC in July.
The nation's African-American cardinal celebrated Mass for the annual LGBTQ+ Catholic gathering, which took place this year at Georgetown University.
Samantha Smith explains how Catholics can make it through the 2024 election cycle with faith, hope, and love intact.
The historic event, led by the U.S. Catholic bishops, is expected to draw upwards of 50,000 attendees to Lucas Oil Stadium over the next several days.
Adoration infused with Black Catholic spirituality punctuated the three-week session of graduate studies at Xavier University of Louisiana.
The 69-year-old peace activist moves in the vein of her vaunted ancestor, and was recently invited to the landmark U.S. Catholic event after months of rejection.
The 96-page document covers several centuries and various episcopates in the diocese, which predates the United States.
The Partnership for Inner-City Education nonprofit had administered the schools, some of which are majority-Black, for more than a decade.
Fr John McKenzie explains a new Vatican document that encourages Christian unity and takes a fresh look at the meaning of papal primacy.
The high court had previously ruled in March that a state-enacted suspension of the statute of limitations was unconstitutional.