Joint Conference to celebrate Black Catholic clergy, religious, and seminarians in Louisville
The annual gathering comes just weeks after the passing of National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus president Fr Norman Fischer.
The annual gathering comes just weeks after the passing of National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus president Fr Norman Fischer.
The veteran priest, the first of African or Filipino descent in the Diocese of Lexington, passed away unexpectedly while in Delaware on sabbatical.
Eric Styles meditates on the legacy of America's first openly Black Catholic priest with an Ignatian flair.
The latest update from the Conventual Franciscans, who are investigating the life of the latest African-American Catholic on the path to sainthood.
The veteran minister and Catholic convert will be feted with a Jubilee Mass and celebration this month at Holy Cross Church in Mt. Airy.
The documentary, featuring never-before-released letters from the nation's first openly Black Catholic priest, will screen at the DuSable Museum.
The 3-day event will feature keynotes, breakouts, and a Rivers Gospel Mass with Cdl Wilton Gregory of Washington, one of the letter's authors.
Dorothy Dempsey reflects on a fraternal event that drew hundreds to St. Louis for a time of service, fellowship, and spiritual reflection.
CHICAGO — A new documentary on Venerable Augustus Tolton features personal letters from the pioneering Black Catholic priest, to be shared publicly for the first time upon the film’s release in June. A private screening of “Tolton Speaks: The Life and Letters of Fr. Augustus Tolton” was held in February
The Archbishop of Washington will speak on Pope Francis and other topics during an Easter Sunday morning interview on Face the Nation.
The 29-year-old Florida native is set to make history for the Archdiocese of Dubuque in May, when he is ordained by Archbishop Thomas Zinkula.
Dcn Tim Tilghman, raised in the Josephite tradition, extols the religious community's history of seeking out African Americans to serve the Church.
The diocese formerly employed a Kenyan priest who during his time in Michigan allegedly raped two other Catholic clerics.
The Haitian-American is one of several U.S. prelates to publicly react to the new Vatican doc allowing blessings for couples in irregular unions.
Fr Jean-Claude Duncan, a father of nine and grandfather of one, was formerly a Methodist minister and converted with his family in 2016.
Fr John McKenzie welcomes the headline-making declaration from Rome that Catholic clergy can bless same-sex couples and the irregularly remarried.