African-American Catholic priest who served in Brazil is on the road to sainthood
A pioneering Conventual Franciscan, born near Boston and serving in Brazil for most of his life, could be the next African-American Catholic priest up for sainhood.
A pioneering Conventual Franciscan, born near Boston and serving in Brazil for most of his life, could be the next African-American Catholic priest up for sainhood.
A newsmaking African-American priest and cousin to Thea Bowman who made waves in the Civil Rights and Black Catholic Movements passed away this month in Los Angeles.
Daniel Jansky on how he came to accept his autism diagnosis, repudiate racism, discover the Catholic Church, and marry an African American.
An African-American seminarian from Phoenix will be ordained a transitional deacon tomorrow in Chicago, the latest stop in his providential journey to the priesthood.
An African-American seminarian with the Society of the Divine Word is taking perpetual vows on Saturday, signaling a soon-coming ordination to the priesthood.
The latest entry in Liturgical Press' "People of God" biography series covers a legendary Black Catholic jazz artist and liturgist. The author tells all.
After being approved last year, a prospective Claver council in Orange County, CA has been tabled—apparently due to the order's outspoken advocacy for social justice.
THe New York City government has committed to honoring the Black experience by creating and renaming public spaces to honor African-Americans—Catholics apparently included.
The almost forgotten story of a Black Catholic army sergeant murdered by a fellow serviceman is gaining new life in the form of a revived scholarship at his Jesuit alma mater.
Next month will bring an extensive series looking into a long-lost novel from one of Black history's most famous Catholic converts.
One of the greatest to ever touch the diamond, Hank Aaron, has passed at 86, leaving behind a legacy of homers, honors, and enduring faith.