A one-size-fits-all Mass doesn't serve Black Catholics.
Efran Menny on the need for a culturally aware liturgical experience that doesn't alienate the few in favor of the many.
Efran Menny on the need for a culturally aware liturgical experience that doesn't alienate the few in favor of the many.
Efran Menny dissects a pernicious strain of political thought that demands a higher birthrate alongside decimation of the social safety net.
Daryl Grigsby connects the global Catholic movement of authentic listening to the enduring witness of African-American spirituality.
Nate Tinner-Williams explores the history of episcopal human trafficking in what would become the United States of America.
Daryl Grigsby on the false equivalencies finding oxygen due to actions from a nascent Trump administration bent on anything but racial justice.
Daryl Grigsby on the sociotheological currents underlying America's most impactful religious thinker, and his allies in the fight for justice.
Ahead of Inauguration Day, Efran Menny offers food for thought on the bankruptcy of the Catholic moral vote and how to pick up the pieces.
The African-American perpetrator was radicalized in a form of Islamist extremism and had an ISIS flag on his rented vehicle.
Tamika Royes on tragedy, mental health, and the unseen struggle of the male diaspora in North America.
Daryl Grigsby on how to apply the ethos of anticipating the coming savior to the challenges of an incoming Trump-Vance White House.
Tamika Royes on the "Black exodus" and how to foster the welcome that all deserve in God's house.
Alessandra Harris on the Kongo Kingdom and its lasting legacy in the Church's relationship with the Black world—and in entanglement with slavery.
The Catholic administrator had served as university provost since 2018 and as acting president since the death of Dr. Michael Lovell in June.
An October event in Rome stirred consciences and debate, while the few Black participants say they were inspired by a unique moment of synodality.
Would that the nation's Catholic prelates took a stand on social clarity (and charity) in 2024. Alas, it was not so, writes Nate Tinner-Williams.
Kamala Harris is the first Black woman to top a major ticket. Efran Menny says blowback from conservatives proves there is much more work to do.