'Do whatever he tells you': The Sunday coming and the call of the King
Dcn Tim Tilghman on the intersection between the Sunday Mass readings and the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dcn Tim Tilghman on the intersection between the Sunday Mass readings and the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The Ethiopian-born Catholic clergyman died suddenly at his residence shortly just days before Christmas.
A similar message from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops decried "racism" and "xenophobia", though without naming politicians or parties.
Bisong Taiwo is a Nigerian-Canadian filmmaker whose latest work centers the Blessed Mother's journey in Christ's way to the Cross.
Efran Menny connects the recent tragedy in Memphis to the suffering Mother of God, seen in the mothers of Black men murdered in an unjust America.
The temporary display, featuring various pieces related to Black activism, will run through late March at Baltimore Clayworks in Mount Washington.
When one digs deeply into the Marian image revealed to St. Juan Diego and Bishop Juan Zumárraga, OFM in 1531, a distinctly Black Catholic narrative emerges. Nate Tinner-Williams dives in.
Marian apparitions in the United States are all but non-existent, but one Black Mississippian born this day in 1923 may have broken the mold. Nate Tinner-Williams explores.
The nation's largest Black Catholic monument will celebrate 25 years next month with a Mass and celebration in Washington, DC.
One of the nation's oldest Black parishes is celebrating its longstanding recognition as a historic church and national landmark—as well as its patronal feast.
A newly controversial image at the bishops' college in DC, depicting George Floyd as Jesus, has caused internet furor and university damage control.
Sunday's canonical coronation of Our Lady of La Leche in St Augustine, Florida went off without a hitch, honoring the birthplace of Catholicism in North America.
The nation's first and only Black cardinal made history in Rome this morning, completing the final formality of his elevation.
The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche, the oldest shrine in America—and in its oldest city—will receive the Pope's highest honor next month.
The Blessed Virgin Mary will be feted tomorrow in Los Angeles for her protection of the city now for 240 years—originally founded by a group including 26 Black Catholics.