Sainthood cause for Martin de Porres Ward receives Vatican approval
The Boston-born Black missionary to Brazil died 25 years ago this summer and was the first African-American to join the Conventual Franciscans.
The Boston-born Black missionary to Brazil died 25 years ago this summer and was the first African-American to join the Conventual Franciscans.
The latest update from the Conventual Franciscans, who are investigating the life of the latest African-American Catholic on the path to sainthood.
Fr Martin Maria de Porres Ward, a Boston-born Conventual Franciscan who served in Brazil, has been under consideration for sainthood since 2020.
Ralph Moore Jr. touts the legacies of African American Catholics on the path to sainthood, and how several of them paved the way for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A Brazilian former seminarian who studied under an African-American priest now considered for canonization explains why he thinks his former mentor is worthy of the altars.
A pioneering Conventual Franciscan, born near Boston and serving in Brazil for most of his life, could be the next African-American Catholic priest up for sainhood.