Dr. James E. Moore Jr., 'Taste and See' hymnwriter, to be remembered with Memorial Mass on Sunday in Cincinnati
A notable Black Catholic liturgist who died overseas earlier this year will be memorialized Sunday in Ohio at his former parish.
A notable Black Catholic liturgist who died overseas earlier this year will be memorialized Sunday in Ohio at his former parish.
The nation's only Black Catholic female bioethicist has died at the age of 61 following a battle with pancreatic cancer. Nate Tinner-Williams reflects.
Looking for an in-person or virtual event celebrating Black Catholic History Month this November? We have you covered.
The Baltimore parish seeking to expedite the canonization of the six African Americans on the path to sainthood is holding its second annual All Saints Day Mass in their honor.
Later this year, the Josephites will ordain three Nigerians to the transitional diaconate later this year, while an American will complete his journey to religious brotherhood.
A music event benefiting a historic Black Catholic church in the nation's oldest city is back in person for the second year in a row.
The award-winning campus church at Xavier University of Louisiana will celebrate an anniversary Mass on Saturday, following a recent visit to the chapel from a Vatican cardinal.
Dual Black Catholic anniversaries are afoot in the Newark archdiocese, where Cardinal Joe Tobin will celebrate a Mass for the occasions on Saturday.
The academic society dedicated to Black Catholic studies will meet for its 32nd annual meeting next month in San Diego, including two events open to the public.
A formerly Czech parish in Charm City, now a thriving African-American community, will mark a century and a half of ministry and service this weekend.
The nation's newest Black Catholic archbishop will receive the accompanying papal vestment during a special Mass next week in Louisville.
Regular Sunday Masses will return to Houston's second-largest HBCU this month at the school's longstanding Newman Center, which has faced various challenges in recent years.
One of several major feast days for US Black Catholics, that of St Peter Claver is upon us, and events are happening around the country to usher in a spirit of justice.
Nate Tinner-Williams dives into the history of Jazz Mass in the Church, a phenomenon dating back to the 1950s and the beginnings of bona-fide Black Catholic liturgy.
A member of St Sabina Catholic Church's youth violence intervention program killed late last month in Chicago will be funeralized on Friday.
An African-American priest born, raised, and ordained in the nation's capital, died this month after an extended illness and 31 years of ministry.