Claire Babineaux-Fontenot to receive 2024 Laetare Medal, highest U.S. Catholic honor
The Louisiana-born Black Catholic businesswoman is the CEO of the food bank network Feeding America, the nation's largest nonprofit.
The Louisiana-born Black Catholic businesswoman is the CEO of the food bank network Feeding America, the nation's largest nonprofit.
The new work was composed by Fr Carl Gales, a Divine Word priest ordained last year.
The in-person event will coincide with the 169th birthday of Venerable Augustus Tolton—the nation's first openly Black Catholic priest.
A homily this week from one of the nation's newest African-American Catholic priests, covering racism, resilience, and freedom.
SOUTH BEND, Ind. — More than a hundred Black Catholic women religious, clergy, religious brothers, deacons’ wives, and seminarians gathered in Indiana this week for their annual Joint Conference, this year under the theme of “Walk Together, Children” at the University of Notre Dame. The focus permeated the week’s events,
African-American clergy, sisters, seminarians, and deacons from around the country will meet over the next six days at Notre Dame for their annual conference.
A number of African-American priests and bishops have lent their voices to the chorus condemning the racist shootings in upstate New York last weekend.
The 180-page White Supremacist manifesto that preceded the deadly shooting in Buffalo cited a White Catholic professor from one of the nation's most prestigious Catholic universities.
Excerpt from a new self-published poetry book by Black Catholic educator Jenario D. Morgan of South Bend, Indiana.
The fourth and final episode of a series showcasing the perspective of young Black Catholic academics will air next week.
The next entry in a webinar series from young Black Catholic academics will tackle the topic of Black Lives Matter in the context of the Catholic Church.
Cincinnati's first Black priest, who also spearheaded the liturgical side of the Black Catholic Movement, is the subject of a podcast launched over the summer.
Good deeds are going unpunished in South Bend—rewarded in fact, as Gloria Purvis is appointed to a pro-life fellowship aimed at centering racial justice in the Church.
The Black Catholic Theological Symposium is still going strong in its third decade of meetings, concluding tonight with a Gospel Mass at the University of Notre Dame.
The nation's Black Catholic theological society has scheduled its annual gathering for this Fall in South Bend—headlined by a number of standout names.