Knights of Peter Claver hosting webinar today on human trafficking
The nation's Black Catholic fraternal order is again revisiting the invisible pandemic of human trafficking, with an event today featuring experts in Los Angeles.
The nation's Black Catholic fraternal order is again revisiting the invisible pandemic of human trafficking, with an event today featuring experts in Los Angeles.
BCM editor Nate Tinner-Williams gives his take on abuse, racism, and the upcoming 2023 Synod of Bishops.
Reprint of a defiantly hopeful (and staunchly Catholic) letter from a Black priest in DC, who passed in 2009 from cancer.
Fr Nnaemeka Ali, OMI continues his discussion of Kwanzaa, arguing that it makes Biblical sense to join in the cultural celebrations of the marginalized.
The nation's African-American cardinal appeared today on the weekend edition of the popular morning show for a discussion on Christmas, COVID, and faithful fellowship.
Missy Enaje reflects on how the Christmas season invites us to joy in the face of suffering and the yet-to-be-fulfilled promises of God.
The nation's largest and oldest Black Catholic organization is hosting a Kwanzaa event commemorating innocent Black lives lost due to racism.
Amidst a global pandemic, Efran Menny reflects on a past experience with death, grief, and new paths of healing and accompaniment.
A devout Catholic couple and several of their children were among the victims of the Rwandan Genocide. Nancy Saro reflects on their witness as their canonization cause advances.
Ahead of the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow, Alessandra Harris argues that climate change is a matter of racism, faith, and action.
Zuri Davis shares an interview from 2019 with a peaceful freedom fighter overseas who is also a Redemptorist priest and hermit.
The nation's diocesan Black Catholic ministry directors lament the ongoing border crisis with Haitian migrants, and the dehumanizing response.
The head of a leading civil rights organization has called the news of yet another dead police reform bill "unacceptable", as Congress continues to stall.
A more than decade-long pandemic in the 3rd century brought out the best in an African saint and the Christian Church. What does it teach us today?
Gunnar Gundersen visits one of the most famous historical sites in American history. It's also a slave plantation.
In the wake of Haiti's latest earthquake, retired Auxiliary Bishop Guy Sansaricq and Cardinal Wilton Gregory are leading events in solidarity with victims and their loved ones.